「Now Challenging Transformation」をテーマに、これからの未来をわくわくさせるNCTの活躍を、
A cylinder digital signage video was produced for the new office entrance area of the Kitakyushu Head Office (Kokura, Kitakyushu) of New Chemical Trading Corporation (hereinafter referred to as NCT).
The video was produced to commemorate NCT’s 20th anniversary this year.
Under the theme “Now Challenging Transformation”, NCT is excited about the future,
The film features a surprise box and bursting popcorn.
As a new experiment, we created the film uses the 3D optical illusion on the cylindrical signage.
Please enjoy the power and spectacle of the various motifs overflowing and bursting to celebrate the 20th a
Client : 新ケミカル商事株式会社
Producer : 土井 昌徳
Director : 勝目 咲
CG Design : 茅 英太 / 竹田 有哉
Production Manager : 山田 梨紗